Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wondering about horniness

As a very sexual guy I sometimes wonder if other guys understand or can appreciate their own horniness. I know many guys who pretend that they are horn dogs but in reality they are just bullshitting. At the same time I know other guys who maybe seem to be quiet and reserved but are actually the ones who are getting all the action. I think if guys need to brag about it, then they are trying to make up for some basic deficiency. I don't blame them because it may be hard to actually work one's sexuality out in some public way or maybe in a way that challenges one's self. It seems it's still some what forbidden to be honest about your sexual needs and desires except maybe in sex forums, fantasy or hook-up sites. I think it may be a thin line between sexual honesty and bravado. I'm not interested much in bragging but I'm very interested in getting off the best I can, and helping my sexual partner get off hard as well. It's not a power thing so much as a pleasure thing that makes me satisfied and happy. I don't mean to say that I'm some totally altruistic guy but I like the mutual energy exchange that sexuality affords us as human beings. I'm usually ready to explore this stuff if the attraction with someone else seems mutual.


Mister Nine Wood said...

I think we all have to play up our strengths to some degree, but it becomes rather sad when your sexual prowess is the only strength you've got. If you can go about in life showing that you have multiple talents and that you can carry them with a good bit of humility, you're probably doing okay. Getting there means that you just accept who you are -- horniness and all.

Someone said to me on Yahoo last night that Mister Nine Wood is like my horny alter-ego. I wouldn't say that. It's all me. The smart guy, the nice guy, the big dick.

Loaded and Ready said...

Mister Nine Wood, I get what you're saying but at the same time I feel I have a very high sex drive. I don't want to define myself by my sexuality but I also think that I'm made for sex. Why else would I be so much more sexual than anyone I know? I think that maybe I was born to be a professional slut or something like that. If there are such things as male whores, I think I'd be one, except that I don't think anyone would pay me for my "services". ;-). Maybe if I were a girl, then I'd have a natural vocation.